Midsummer Night - Erotic Short Story E-kirja, englanti

Katja Slonawski

Midsummer Night - Erotic Short Story

Katja Slonawski

Reeling from a break-up, Alicia is on her way to a Midsummer celebration with her best friend Alex. In the car on the way there, Alicia begins seeing her childhood friend in a way she has never allowed herself before. How would his gorgeous, warm body feel against her? But Alex, with a new girlfr... Lue lisää

E-kirja, englanti
2,95 €
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Reeling from a break-up, Alicia is on her way to a Midsummer celebration with her best friend Alex. In the car on the way there, Alicia begins seeing her childhood friend in a way she has never allowed herself before. How would his gorgeous, warm body feel against her? But Alex, with a new girlfr... Lue lisää

Reeling from a break-up, Alicia is on her way to a Midsummer celebration with her best friend Alex. In the car on the way there, Alicia begins seeing her childhood friend in a way she has never allowed herself before. How would his gorgeous, warm body feel against her? But Alex, with a new girlfriend in tow, is forbidden fruit. When they arrive at the party, though, everyone is very friendly. More than friendly, actually... This will be a Midsummer night to be remembered.

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