Flesh - erotic short story E-kirja, englanti

Lea Lind

Flesh - erotic short story

Lea Lind

In this erotic short story, a romantic relationship develops from being ordinary and daintily erotic, to a relationship that empathizes the woman‘s need to dominate and the man's desire for submission. Slowly they begin to discover new sides to their sexual beings, and their erotic life together ... Lue lisää

E-kirja, englanti
1,95 €
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In this erotic short story, a romantic relationship develops from being ordinary and daintily erotic, to a relationship that empathizes the woman‘s need to dominate and the man's desire for submission. Slowly they begin to discover new sides to their sexual beings, and their erotic life together ... Lue lisää

In this erotic short story, a romantic relationship develops from being ordinary and daintily erotic, to a relationship that empathizes the woman‘s need to dominate and the man's desire for submission. Slowly they begin to discover new sides to their sexual beings, and their erotic life together evolves to unimaginable heights... This short story is published in collaboration with the Swedish filmproducer Erika Lust. Her intention is to depict human nature and diversity through stories of passion, intimacy, lust and love in a fusion of powerful stories and erotica.

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