Almost like Carpe Diem - Erotic Short Story E-kirja, englanti

Alexandra Södergran

Almost like Carpe Diem - Erotic Short Story

Alexandra Södergran

One day, Lisa decides to leave her life behind her. But suddenly, standing alone in the cold and wind is difficult. When everything seems hopeless, a possibility for warmth and love opens up for her in the form of a confident, sexy man. And Lisa decides to grab the opportunity. Lue lisää

E-kirja, englanti
8,95 €
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One day, Lisa decides to leave her life behind her. But suddenly, standing alone in the cold and wind is difficult. When everything seems hopeless, a possibility for warmth and love opens up for her in the form of a confident, sexy man. And Lisa decides to grab the opportunity. Lue lisää

One day, Lisa decides to leave her life behind her. But suddenly, standing alone in the cold and wind is difficult. When everything seems hopeless, a possibility for warmth and love opens up for her in the form of a confident, sexy man. And Lisa decides to grab the opportunity.

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