House of Honor: The Heist of Caravaggio's Nativity Pehmeäkantinen, englanti

Margaret Ann Philbrick

House of Honor: The Heist of Caravaggio's Nativity

Margaret Ann Philbrick

Two Italian sons, linked by a masterpiece painting, are put to a test of loyalty and honor. At the heart of this gripping tale is Orazio Bordoni, the wayward son of a construction magnate, living a reckless life like that of his artistic hero Caravaggio. He finds himself befriended by Nicolo Giot... Lue lisää

Pehmeäkantinen, englanti
22,95 €
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Two Italian sons, linked by a masterpiece painting, are put to a test of loyalty and honor. At the heart of this gripping tale is Orazio Bordoni, the wayward son of a construction magnate, living a reckless life like that of his artistic hero Caravaggio. He finds himself befriended by Nicolo Giot... Lue lisää

Two Italian sons, linked by a masterpiece painting, are put to a test of loyalty and honor. At the heart of this gripping tale is Orazio Bordoni, the wayward son of a construction magnate, living a reckless life like that of his artistic hero Caravaggio. He finds himself befriended by Nicolo Giotto, the devoted son of a powerful Sicilian mafia clan, who wants to uphold the honor of his family. As the dark underbelly of the art world and the Vatican expose their true character, Orazio finds himself in a world where his loyalty is tested, honor is at stake, and the boundaries between life and art blur. He and Nicolo discover just how far they're willing to push those boundaries, even if it means sacrificing everything else.House of Honor is a pivotal story that weaves the threads of history, the ruthless allure of the mafia, the enigmatic power of the Vatican, and the timeless brilliance of Caravaggio.
"With lyrical language and vivid description, House of Honor captivated me from the first page to the last. Philbrick will transport you to the Italy of the 1960s and the Renaissance era, complete with reproductions of Caravaggio's masterpieces...It is reminiscent of The Godfather meets The Da Vinci Code, but with a redemptive twist. Masterfully crafted and beautifully written!"Taryn R. Hutchison Author of One Degree of Freedom and Two Lights of Hope
"The title of Margaret Philbrick's House of Honor hints at the dark backdrop for her suspenseful tale: the atrocities of the Italian Mafia, the corruption of the Catholic church, and the flashbacks to the lascivious lifestyle of Caravaggio. Without being a spoiler, I can tell you that you won't be left in the cold at the glorious close (but wait for it!)" Dee Brestin Best-selling author of The Friendships of Women, Idol Lies, and Falling in Love with Jesus
"This book has art, history, romance, and an exotic setting filled with intrigue set against the story of one of the greatest painters of all time. If you like Italy, art, and history, this is a highly recommended, well-written must-read."Angela Correll Best-selling author of May Hollow Trilogy and author of Restored in Tuscany
"Philbrick uses the uniquely powerful bonds of Italian families to reveal the effects of loyalty versus disloyalty in the complicated yet beautiful world of Italy...It's a story of the ever-present prodigal in all of us."Katherine James Award-winning author of Can You See Anything Now? and A Prayer for Orion: A Son's Addiction and a Mother's Love
"House of Honor is a sweeping, modern twist on an enduring narrative. Set in Italy in the late 1960s, it carries the reader into the world of the Mafia, the inner workings of the Vatican, and the time-honored expectations of Italian families for their sons. The depth of historical and art research in the novel is amazing; the romance and intrigue in the book will keep you turning the pages!"Rhona Weaver Award-winning author of A Noble Calling and A Sacred Duty
"With a fast-paced narrative and tense family drama throughout, House of Honor offers readers a compelling storyline about the heist of a renowned Caravaggio painting, complete with Mafia families, devoted priests at the Vatican, and wayward children. Philbrick's characters and their exploits will keep readers riveted from beginning to end." Linda MacKillopAuthor of The Forgotten Life of Eva Gordon
  • Kustantaja / Valmistaja Ambassador International
  • ISBN 9781649607584
  • Tuotekoodi 9781649607584
  • Kirjoittajat Margaret Ann Philbrick
  • Kieli Englanti
  • Ilmestymispäivä 11.06.2024
  • Vuosi 2024
  • Tuoteryhmä Ulk romaanit, runot, sarjakuvat
  • Tuotepääryhmä Ulkomaiset kirjat
  • Tuotelinja Kirjat
  • Genretunnus JA
  • Sivumäärä 324
  • Avainsanat Thrillers - Suspense; Christian - Suspense; Historical - 20th Century - Post-World War II
  • Kirjastoluokka FIC
  • Pituus (mm) 229
  • Leveys (mm) 152
  • Korkeus (mm) 19
  • Paino (g) 476
  • Tuotemuoto Pehmeäkantinen
  • Tuotemuodon lisätiedot Trade pokkari (US)

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